Thursday, May 19, 2011

Fuck Yourself

The most satisfying sexual experience you can possibly have is with someone who genuinely loves you, and wants nothing more than to give you a physically and emotionally satisfying experience.  Imagine a partner who gains pleasure entirely by giving you pleasure.  Who wants to please you just as much as they want to be pleased themself.  Who knows exactly what you are feeling at every moment, and can adjust what they are doing to you, just to make it as fantastic as humanly possible.  Who isn't out to use you or punish you sexually, in any way.  (Unless, of course, you want to be used and punished!)

Imagine how great sex would sex be, with this sort of partner!

This raises two important questions.

  1. What mysterious secret technique do you have to use to find such a person?  
  2. And once you've found them, how could you possibly get them into bed with you?  

Well, it's a simple two-step process that anyone reading this blog can do.  And each of the simple two steps answers one of the above age-old questions.

  1. Look in the mirror and say, "Hello, sex partner of my dreams!"
  2. Go fuck yourself.